This documentary features leading academic physicists, astrophysicists, neuroscientists, psychiatrists and Experiencers discussing not only the nature of our reality, what is Consciousness, but more significantly, what are the possible theories that might explain the relationship between Consciousness, the Paranormal
and the Contact Modalities.
Introduce Science and Physics to the
Topic of Contact with Non-Human Intelligence
There have been many previous scientific documentaries that have discussed the topic of Consciousness and even Parapsychology. The documentary “What the Bleep” is a prime example. But none of these documentaries have combined discussions on the Science and Physics of Consciousness and Parapsychology with the topic of contact with Non-Human Intelligence via the unified Contact Modalities. This was the missing link.
This film will:
Detail Rey Hernandez's transformative experiences
Explain the Contact Modalities and how they are in fact one phenomenon
Introduce science and physics to the topic of contact with Non-Human Intelligence
Speak with leading scientists on Consciousness and Contact
Explore Cosmology topics
Detail FREE Experiencer Research Study data
Feature one on one interviews with some of the 100’s of Experiencers who participated in the study

Experiencer Rey Hernandez converses with leading physicists and scientists, cutting edge researchers and Experiencers on the nature of reality concluding that we live in a universe that is alive and interconnected.
Cosmology Topics Explored
The relationship between Consciousness & Contact with NHI
Consciousness & the Paranormal Contact Modalities
The Quantum Hologram Theory of Physics and Consciousness
The Informational Universe & Black Holes as information storage devices, (“Akashic Records”), with “worm holes” to other dimensions
Major reformulations of the Drake Equation & the Fermi Paradox
Multi-dimensional universe with possible multi-dimensional NHI
Quantum teleportation
Superluminal communication & travel, wormholes
The concept of a “Universal Mind,” a “Universal Creator”
The Synchronized Universe
The Universe as a Computer Simulation
The concept of Space/Time
The Spiritual aspects of Contact with non-human intelligence

You must inform humanity of the relationship between Consciousness, (the nature of our Greater Reality)
the Spirit World, (that we are eternal spiritual beings) and Us (God, or the Universal One Mind.)
Reinerio (Rey) Hernandez
Reinerio (Rey) Hernandez works as an Estate Tax Attorney for the US Dept of Treasury.
In March of 2012, Rey and his family began to have conscious physical contact with non-human intelligence in their home, as well as a series of paranormal experiences including seeing large UAPs. Rey now dedicates an extensive part of his life to research and understanding the nature of reality.
Rey first experienced conscious physical contact with non-human intelligence at his home when an Energy Being appeared on March 4, 2012. What followed was a series of paranormal experiences. In one instance, a football stadium sized UAP only 30 feet from Rey, his daughter, and 3 other witnesses, hovered over them in silence for more than 45 minutes.
Rey’s most profound experience occurred when he found himself transported to another reality while driving on the highway. While there, he appeared inside what appeared to be a huge cartwheel, where inside each spoke was a different paranormal phenomenon, what he now calls the “Contact Modalities.” He was given a “download” that all of these experiences are interconnected, and that “Consciousness” is what unites them.
While in that alternate reality Rey was given a mission:
You must inform humanity of the relationship between Consciousness,
(the nature of our Greater Reality)
the Spirit World, (that we are eternal spiritual beings) and Us (God, or the Universal One Mind.)